Y‘all. I GOT APPROVED FOR MY VISA! I’ve been logging in over the past week and it said: 심사중 (which, thanks to Google Translate, I found out means “under examination”). But today, when I logged in to view my visa application and it said:

Don’t worry, I didn’t know what it said at first, either
The bottom line says: Progress on the left and Permission on the right! I was so excited when I saw that! This is actual footage of an excited Courtney:
Because I didn’t have to send in my passport, I just had to print off my visa and and I got it right away. Applying for the visa was relatively quick from the time I sent off my documents to South Korea–about 3 weeks. So now, I’m waiting to hear back from my recruiter about what I’m doing next. I’ll probably be waiting for a little bit as tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
But I will say, receiving this visa is certainly a wonderful early Christmas present!